Social Media… Don’t overdo it

Social media is fantastic for tracking your progress and coming up with new regimens but how much is too much?

Fit Flop No. 1: Posting the following on Facebook: “The plan: 3-mile run/walk splits on Monday, 45-minute swim on Tuesday, Zumba class plus 20 minutes on the Erg machine on Wednesday, 8-mile bike ride on Thursday, rest on Saturday, Hatha yoga on Sunday. PUMPED for this week!!!”

A better way: Put your money where your mouth is by logging your workouts at Gympact, where you’ll have to pay up if you don’t follow through. If you really want to broadcast this stuff regularly, make a blog about your fitness journey, mmkay? Post a pretty Instagram from your a.m. run.

And start with a lot of embarrassing photos of you overweight and looking pale and out of breath. People love Befores as well as Afters.

Fit Flop No. 2: Linking your fitness tracker of choice (Fitbit, Up, Nike+, etc.) to all of your social media channels.

As more and more people get on the fancy-pedometer bandwagon, the programs threaten to become like Spotify — no one really remembers linking Spotify with their Facebook accounts, and now other people’s embarrassing 11th playing of “Countdown” have overrun your newsfeed.

Instead of telling your device to automatically post your steps taken and staircases climbed to Facebook and the like, just swap stats with the online communities that are almost always built into the products’ online dashboards.

Fit Flop No. 3: Posting a graph of last night’s sleep cycles on the Internet.

No seriously, this is a thing. Sleep monitors such as the app SleepCycle and the soon-to-be-released Renew SleepClock, which sits on your nightstand and uses bat-sonar-like technology to monitor your movement as well as your breathing, much like an overly enamored suitor or a bed intruder, include an option of publishing a visual of your slumber to social media channels. “Look, Ma! Almost 90 minutes of deep sleep!”

Being able to keep an eye on your sleep patterns is awesome. And if you can show your nocturnal habits to your doctor on your iPhone, all the better.

But showing the world all the intimate details? That’s about 2.5 steps away from proudly posting pictures of your healthy BM. A pretty good rule of thumb: Whatever happens between the sheets shouldn’t wind up on the Web.

One thought on “Social Media… Don’t overdo it

  1. It’s true, I think people right now spend more time building up workouts and motivation online and don’t actually put their money where their mouth is and implement things.

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